Ai Mi Xia Headshot

Ai Mi Xia (she/her) is a multidisciplinary artist, technologist and storyteller. She healed from a chronic illness in 2021 through meditation, which greatly impacted her perspective on what is possible and how to change the external from the internal. Ai's work revolves around exploring and connecting communities around spirituality, mental and physical health, and creating interactive social impact experiences that change behavior.

Ai is the Founder & Creative Director of EMERGNT, an interactive design studio for social impact. She is also currently a New Inc Member on the Extended Realities Track and a Research Fellow at NYU IMA Low Res. Previously, she has worked at tech & media companies such as SiriusXM/Pandora and NVIDIA which have shaped how she thinks about using technology for the greater good, and how to create experiences that break cycles of exploitation and move towards creative freedom.

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